Wed 17th August
We left San Blas this morning and continued south along the coast road towards Puerto Vallarta and from there to Barra de Navidad.
This part of the coast is described as the Nayarit Riviera where there are some large resorts .......
...........and pretty little coves like the one here at Platanitos.
Pelican with the beach to himself
Puerto Vallarata on the other hand is jam packed with resort hotels, apartments and seems to have been taken over by America as all their major players are here, from the hotel chains to the fast food restaurants, health centres and supermarkets.
It was here we lost Terry. The arrangement to meet him down the road didn’t work out and with only the name of the town for our overnight stop known to all, that’s where we headed expecting to meet him somewhere over the following 100 miles.
We rode into the hills and through periods of heavy rain, not arriving at Barra de Navidad until it was just getting dark and not having seen 'hide nor hair' of Terry. Quite remarkably, however, we stopped at a hotel and found him booking into a single room, having assumed we wouldn’t make contact until we managed to get phone signals or internet access.
A little fine tuning needed on the contingency plans for these occurrences me thinks......
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